Ukrainian economy has a large number of industries in which large, medium and small companies competing with each other. Sometimes, Regulator, the Parliament of Ukraine, changes competitive environment and creates new forms of taxation, updates tax rates for players. For your convenience to keep track of the necessary tax information, the section "Industries" was created, which contains information about the services that would be useful for your business and could be received depending on a sector of economy. To select the field of economy, use please the pulldown menu "Industries" and select your preferred sector.
We can reach high goals together!
allTax lawyers can be characterized as very fast in decision-making and execution of tasks in the shortest time. Boris Udin, Dargez
I want to mention high communicative skills of the allTax company management. allTax partners conduct negotiations very well. They also have high moral and cultural values. Andriy Voylo, Metlife
allTax parnters are best in negotiations. They can excellently hear clients' needs and goals. It helps to reduce the process of the creation of huge investing processes. Gegham Khamenaryan, LNK Group
allTax legal and tax advisors are excellent in banking law. They have high level of credibility. That is why we can recommend them as a reliable partners. Olena Chernyavskaya, City Commerce Bank
allTax lawyers made the due diligence of risks of arbitration possibility in national economic courts of Ukraine and the International Commercial Court at the Chamber of Commerce for debts’ collection from counterparts. «Tesa tape Kft.» got highly qualified legal advices regarding collection of debts on the base of purchase-sale and delivery contracts during the cooperation with allTax legal and tax advisors. Svetlana Artamonova, Tesa tape Kft.