Mining is one of the most powerful domestic industries of Ukraine, which is well developed due to large reserves of nonferrous and less-common metals, coal and lignite, native sulfur, rock and potassium salts. There are many large-scale geological studies were held that shows huge interest of invesrtors to the mining industry.
Domestic and foreign companies create joint ventures for the exploration and the research of new territories and mining. Attractiveness of investing in the mining industry is complicated by immense governmental regulations, a variety of permissions and a complex system of taxation.
«allTax» mining industry advisers will help you to:
advising on taxation of agreements on cooperation in the mining and the division of future products;
counseling on payment of fees for the usage of the subsoil for the purpose of mining;
advice on taxation of holdings and their individual structures;
advice on taxation of salaries;
counseling on payment of fees for the usage of subsurface resources for purposes not related to the extraction of mineral resources;
advice on taxation of loans;
counseling on payment of value added tax in mining industry;
advice on taxation of mergers and acquisitions in mininig business.
Additional services for clients:
obtaining approval of the Antitrust Committee of Ukraine for mergers and acquisitions;
obtaining of licenses and other permissions;
legal accompany of the procedures of the holdings reorganization.
«allTax» legal and tax advisers support your business!
While searching a reliable lawyer in the field of litigation, we changed several law firms, and stopped our choice at allTax legal and tax advisers. I note that the litigation dispute was complicated and continued for several years. allTax completed the litigation dispute within two months and received a quick victory in a court. Igor Gerey, Sokyrnitsky Zeolit